Our Mission: Protect Clear Creek’s watershed and forest health and improve wildfire resilience through community collaboration.
About the Partnership
Clear Creek Watershed & Forest Health Partnership’s purpose is: Partnering to reduce catastrophic wildfire risk, increase community awareness of fire-safe neighborhood strategies, and support safe and clean water supplies throughout the upper Clear Creek Drainage.
UCCWA Webpages
The Clear Creek Watershed benefits from multiple organized stakeholder groups. The Upper Clear Creek Watershed Association shares this website for event postings and document hosting.
The Clear Creek Watershed & Forest Health Partnership, wishes to thank the generosity of LightHawk, and LightHawk Volunteer Pilot Evan Anderman. Through LightHawk’s generosity, CCWFHP was able to conduct an aerial observation mission of the Clear Creek Watershed in partnership with Coalitions and Collaboratives Inc.
The Partnership was able to achive its flight mission of:
1. Orient the new Forestry and Mitigation Manager for the Clear Creek Watershed and Forest Health Partnership to the watershed landscape to inform wildfire mitigation project planning and prioritization.
2. Collect photos and videos to both further inform project planning and help with communication and outreach both to key decision-makers as well as to funders.
3. Help to inform collaborative wildfire mitigation planning efforts.
LightHawk is a charitable organization arranging volunteer flights to educate, inform, and gather information on environmental issues. LightHawk provides donated flights for their conservation partners and others working on natural resource issues. For more information on LightHawk visit LightHawk - Enhancing Conservation Action Through Aviation.
The Upper Clear Creek Watershed Association thanks their host, Henderson Mine, for their August 9, 2024 tour of the Urad Valley.
Partnership Formation
The Clear Creek Watershed & Forest Health Partnership (CCWFHP) began to form in late 2020 in response to project implementation needs identified through the Pre-Wildfire Planning Study’s development. Implementing wildfire mitigation at the watershed scale demands a collaborative approach due to the scale of the problem, resource limitations, and the complexity of mixed land ownership and jurisdictions. Any watershed management collaborative must include diverse stakeholder voices; view our Members page to see current members, and get in touch if you’d like to participate. CCWFHP exists to facilitate communications, relationships, and collaboration between these stakeholders and implement projects that will address relevant vulnerabilities in the region. Learn more about the Partnership’s purpose and values on the About page.